Kernel: Python 3 (system-wide)
!pip install python-binance
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from binance.client import Client
import pandas as pd
client = Client('3HiIRv2T0TghHPHBf6NTljzwEZvnnZOOXkiQi1EnpRabHyXmlHvVmLrSpgVL4cRc','7ViJeoMGZ7Bt6e39LYGsKBzYNSGqqlGKbW9rPhfJDos5IJAKI09aEpO4SGCDOhA3')
pair = 'ADAUSDT'
pd.DataFrame(client.get_historical_klines(pair, '1m', '30 min ago UTC'))
def getminutedata(symbol, interval, lookback): frame = pd.DataFrame(client.get_historical_klines(symbol, interval, lookback+' min ago UTC')) frame = frame.iloc[:,:6] frame.columns = ['Time','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume'] frame = frame.set_index('Time') frame.index = pd.to_datetime(frame.index, unit='ms') frame = frame.astype(float) return frame
test = getminutedata(pair, '1m', '30')
def strategytest(symbol,qty, entried=False): i = 0 df = getminutedata(symbol,'1m','30m') cumulret = (df.Open.pct_change() +1).cumprod() - 1 if not entried: if cumulret[-1] > 0.001: order = client.create_order(symbol=symbol, side='BUY', type='MARKET', quantity=qty) print(order) i += 2 entried=True print('Begin') else: print('No Trade has been executed') if entried: while i > 1: print('1') df = getminutedata(symbol,'1m','30m') sincebuy = df.loc[df.index > pd.to_datetime( order['transactTime'], unit='ms')] if len(sincebuy) > 0: print('2') sincebuyret = (sincebuy.Open.pct_change() +1).cumprod() - 1 if sincebuyret[-1] > 0.3: order = client.create_order(symbol=symbol, side='SELL', type='MARKET', quantity=qty) print(order) print('Trade has been Sold') elif sincebuyret[-1] > -0.25: order = client.create_order(symbol=symbol, side='BUY', type='MARKET', quantity=qty * 2) print(order) print('Trade has been purchased')
strategytest('ADAUSDT', 9)